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I’ve got a lifetime of experience playing, competing and coaching in the sports industry

I’ve got a lifetime of experience playing, competing and coaching in the sports industry. I’ve grown up playing football and still do now. I’ve played basketball, I’ve competed in CrossFit. There’s no sport I don’t love.


I was a founding member of CrossFit OTB back in 2012, providing coaching to a range of clients, from ironmen, semi-pro rugby teams, CrossFit competitors and corporate athletes. We ran fitness retreats across the UK and abroad, to show people how simple it is to get fitter in the outdoors. That was always something I did outside my full-time role in the banking industry.

Nick in the gym
Nick playing football
Nick training client

I want to help you find a lifestyle you'll love

Over 10 years working in a corporate environment means I know how hard it is to plan and prioritise. Whether that’s competing in sport, making time to get to the gym or taking the time to plan and learn about what to eat. It’s my passion to help people find a lifestyle they love via nutrition and fitness. That’s led me to the path I’m on now.


I work with clients who want to invest in their health. Whether a client’s goal is weight-loss, performance based, education or confidence in and out of the gym. Building maintainable habits is where it matters to me.

I understand the science behind it, so you don’t have to

I’m gained further knowledge from MNU Nutrition, the UK’s leading consultancy and evidence-based qualification for fat-loss, sports performance and corporate wellness. My continued learning with the likes of Training Think Tank, OPEX Fitness and Red Pill Coaching. I'm always reviewing any new evidence and staying up to date within the industry.


As a nutritionist I work with clients both in and out of the sports industry. I help them set, work towards and achieve their goals.


I make it a priority to take the time get to know people I work with. I want to learn about you and your habits to make sure you’re always getting the most value out of our time together and your time in and outside of training. 


I understand the science behind it, so you don’t have to (although, I’m happy to tell you if you’re interested). No confusion, just confidence. 

Nick teaching client

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